Tuesday, December 25, 2007

soydum koselerimi

kalabaligi da kabaligi da sevmem. kaba kalabaliktan direk kacarim. 

kaybolabildigim kalabaliklar olur, onlara kalabalik demem. zarif kabaliklar olur, hafifleten hani, onlara da kabalik demem. zoraki, samimiyetsiz, usul geregi kibarliklar olur, bunlari da sevmem. 

habire gizli sakli izlendigim, kopek baligi disleri gibi yargi cumleleri isittigim yerde iki dakka durmam. gittigimi farketmek cok zaman alabilir bazen. 

konsantre olmayi severim, dikkat etmeyi, emek vermeyi, can kulagiyla dinlemeyi, kollamayi... iyi yapmaya calisiyorum bunlari. gelisiguzel yasamayi da severim ama ozensiz degil. 

kendi deneyimlerini, oznel, bireysel hayatini/yasamini genele yayan, onu genellestiren, genel de oyleymis ya da oyle olmaliymis gibi dusunen, bu dusundugunu kutsama derecesinde seven insanlari sevmem. yasamim onlari gecirmez, gecirgenligim onlari kapsamaz. 

hirsi pacalarindan akanlari, sahip cikmayi sahiplenmek sananlari, sertlikleri benci-liklerinden kaynaklananlari da sevmem. ucundan kiyisindan girdikleri hayatlara hukmedercesine dalanlari gordugum yerde kovalarim. 

yanimda, yakinimda ol, benim de olmama izin ver ama bodoslama olmayalim. bodoslama olduysak da kollamayi becerebilecek misin? 

nicelige hic inanmadim, nitelikse kendini koruyabildigi, cogalabildigi, ciceklenebildigi surece var. 

oyle bisi istiyorum ki, cozum cozum cozulebileyim, lime lime bile olayim. acisi, sancisi, sizisi bogrumde bicak donmus gibi olmasin. gucum yok, boyle bisiye guc toplayamam yeniden. 

incecik camdan kurelerim var, onlari sana da teslim edebileyim. sen de et bana. yuk olsun diye degil, saklanmamak adina, saklanmaya ihtiyac duymamak adina. saklanmayi ogrenmek istemezdim hic. ogrendigimi bile neden sonra farkettim. 

kalbimi yirttim ben, cok yaptim bunu. saklanmazsam agir gelirim. o kadar cok agir geldim ki... 
agir gelmeyebilir miyim? 

ne olursa olsun, hakiki bisi istiyorum. bangir bangir, guldur guldur! 

Friday, December 21, 2007

right before you

on the left, right on left
on the right, left on right 

avoiding a clumsy touch?

yet already fitted into such a small frame... 

companionably voluntarily congenially mutually intimately 
all there, already. 

funny how feet are sharp and the rest has already fluxed...
is that little wave coming to stir? 
did we close our eyes, cos we dont know what to do with what we'll see with adjacent edges of our eyes? 
i can feel your breath on my cheek. where are you? i no more know where i am. 

(photo was taken by evan buxbaum on his around the world trip in thailand. my greetings to him and his friend)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

los angeles, 1977

a shore is always a drift

what charge one is charged

moon child

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


i could have just gone to the bus station instead. feeling this capability so strongly left me weak. such irony...
so i walked. feet knew where they were walking to, it was ok. a silly car with a stupid driver chased me for some couple of meters, i could have killed him and smashed the car.
so i went inside, so warm by all means... i was cold. by all means. ice yes, donno what would have happened if i had begun melting all over. melted just a little, it was fine.
then we walked. then we blended into music. it was fine. almost cuddly.

we came from sweden once again
we went to buyuk manika once again
i saw the kittens in the hayloft once again
i walked from bahceli to mebusevleri once again
uncle picked me up from school and took me to new house
dad met me the day after at school
mom and i fought
granma was joyous seeing a bud
love was painful
i saw cat
i cycled to the beach, remained there for ages
breathing was the heaviest of all
tangoed with istanbul
wrote my thesis
could not speak
flew to kingston
flew back
tore myself to ribbons
there was traffic in paris
could not find fifty centimes
got a comma in my cell phone
lost, found, won, happy, sad, joyous,
blank, empty, curious, filled, stuffed,
cherished, left, broke, gone, here, there,
maybe, yes, no, not a clue
out of my skin into my breath
from my breath into a neverland
mirrors facing each other
once again, once again, once again
all over again

im all over my life. it could not be otherwise.
life is all over me too and that's the challenge.
whether i like it or not, it's out of question.

then we were a nice crowd and blended into music.
some more, some less.

scent of a madelaine,
ask your local distributor.

Monday, December 17, 2007

on going

words of discontent followed by words of dreams
words of dreams followed by words of new places

embedded in an accustomed living, dreams are only new versions of old habits.

are we this foundered? or just enjoying some flounder?

to go, to leave... you cannot do these once. if they are for once, then you are not going.

can you tear yourself to your ribbons?

let's go then! "let us go then you and i"...

be my company, can you?